Saturday, 28 September 2013
Growing Your Faith (5 Things-Part 6)
Study 6 Growing Your Faith-Northpoint Ministries Andy Stanley
Pivital Circumstance
James 1:2-4 Consider it joy when you face trials of any kind it produces perseverance and faith
so that you can be mature not lacking anything
God uses circumstances to grow our faith
John 11 God uses pain and suffering to get our attention so that we might believe
He restores life and Glorify's God The Father
Growing Your Faith (5 Things-Part 5)
Study 5 Growing Faith
Mathew 14:17-21
What talent skill experience can Jesus use in a significant way to increase your ability
and efforts to do what you aren't able? Like the loaves and fishes there is something we
can offer up to HIM to use for our benifit and others
He can do what we aren't able we have to learn to TRUST GOD AS OUR SOURCE for our needs
Growing Your Faith (5 Things-Part 4)
Study 4 -Growing your Faith
Private Diciplines
giving to the needy,alms giving, praying, fasting, reading the bible, gratitude journal
ways to grow faith produce fruitfulness.
Growing Your Faith (5 Things-Part 3)
Study 3-Growing Your Faith
Providential Relationships
-a conversation,how others live,influence on people and how they impacted us
GOD uses human relationships to grow our faith in HIM
-wrong kinds of relationships can undermine faith
Proverbs 13:20 walk with the wise to be wise,because the companion of fools suffers loss
-PICK GOOD FRIENDS, BAD company corrupts morals
Your friends can impact the direction and quality of your life
Providential Relationships
-a conversation,how others live,influence on people and how they impacted us
GOD uses human relationships to grow our faith in HIM
-wrong kinds of relationships can undermine faith
Proverbs 13:20 walk with the wise to be wise,because the companion of fools suffers loss
-PICK GOOD FRIENDS, BAD company corrupts morals
Your friends can impact the direction and quality of your life
Growing Your Faith (5 Things-Part 2)
Study1-Growing Your Faith
1-Practical Biblical Teaching
When and where were you exposed to the truth?
2-Providential Relationships
Who you met -where when why God put these people in your life
3-Private Disciplines
somewhere along the way you were taught to pray,read the bible,journal,fast,giving
4-Personal Ministry- ever asked to teach,go on a mission trip,volunteer
5-Pivital Circumstances-
a time in life it could go either way a change,loss,impactful event to bring about
your dependance on HIM to get a breakthrough?
What GOD uses to prepare you for your call!MEANT TO GROW FAITH
Study 2 -Growing Your Faith
Something God Wants Us to Do,Not Just Know Scripture But act On It
Practical Application-Mathew 7:24-28
What to do based on what you believe
Sermon On The Mount=
If YOU really had faith then -
-If you were asked for help you would go above and beyond
-If hurt You would forgive
-Avoid Sin
-Be generous to meet others needs
You would do this NOT to gain Favour that HE has already given you but BECAUSE HE HAS
already given you grace mercy and favour you would want to share that goodness with others.
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