Making Your Dreams Come True
Event plus Response = Outcome
Step 1 Decide what you want
Vision accomplishments you want what you need to do to feel fullfilled .
Step 2 Set specific goals or objectives measurable how much do you want and by when.
If you fail to plan you plan to fail Sucess by the yard is hard sucess by the inch is a cinch
Set a goal so big that in the process of achieving you become someone worth being -Jim Rohn
Step 3 Visualize the results you want -positive thoughts!
Step 4 Take action move towards your goals ask for what you want!
swswsw =some will some wont so what some will
Step 5 persevere continue discipline determination what you set your eyes and focus on is the direction you take
surround yourself with things in alignment with your vision have an attitude of gratitude never give up
outer and inner action meditation visualization positive affirmations to focus self on what outer action should be
things you choose to put your focus on direct you -don't follow after just whatever grabs your attention use discernment.
Read bible for direction!
The things you pay attention to direct your life
deuteronomy - keep focused on God's will and plan -7-12 if you pay attention to God's laws then God will keep His covenant and make your way blessed -trust God to guide and direct our steps
psalm 119-35 direct me in the path of your commands for there I find the light turn my eyes attention away from worthless things ( whatever you put attention to we follow after direction) this scripture asks for help to focus on good it asked for help to have our life preserved by following God's word.
proverbs 4-25 let our eyes look straight ahead fix your gaze (intentionality) do not swerve to the right or left keep your foot from evil
as our attention goes so we go our future -make the decision to what to pay attention to
mathew 6-22 the eye is the lamp of the body ( where you focus the light on you follow after so what you focus on is the direction you will take the results you go after) if ---your eyes are good and pure your whole body will be light but if your eye is bad your life be the same ----so focus on good read and learn from God's word on how to focus and live
hebrews 2-1 focus on God's word so you don't drift away so focus attention on purpose
set tone for the day with positve affirmations expect good things expect God's favour
mathew 9-29 according to your faith be it done unto you have what you expect -Jesus's word -use faith to expect His favour
Psalms 30-5 God's favour is for a lifetime! :)
psalm 37 -19 even in famine the righteous God's children will have more than enough
psalm 115 -14 the Lord your God will increase you and your family more
Jesus said He came to give us life to the full in abundance and overflowing life
proverbs 2918 if people can't see what God is doing they stumble
so get a vision of what I am entitled to from God's word and increase faith and receive favour
romans 5-17 they that received grace ar to live like kings
if you're going to get to the right destination we need a plan otherwise we drift if we don't have goals we lose focus
have goals and a mission statement write it habakuk says write the vision make it clear
desire is from the father a God given dream
follow up the desire with a plan scripture says faith without corresponding action is dead
people who have written plan succeed more
where do i want to be in 10 years in work relationship home finances ?
you need goals so big it takes God to bring them to pass and short range goals
plan what steps to achieve goals proverbs 16 9 in the heart a man plans his steps but God directs His steps
I am writing this blog because finding our purpose and what God called us to do is relevant.I found this information and thought since it had some good advice and guidance with a couple of psalms to check out for encouragement I thought I would post.